Knitting Paragon

KNITTING: to make a fabric by looping yarn together with special needles. PARAGON: a model of perfection or excellence.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I have an excuse

Okay, no excuse for not blogging between April and August, but my slacking since August, I have a good excuse for that. I am exhausted, nauseated and did I mention, exhausted?

Have you guessed yet?

And baby makes five...

The boys are going to be big brothers and are terribly excited, as are we. A little worried about my health, but all-in-all things are looking good. My friends and family know that I had a high-risk pregnancy with the twins and with that history and my current age, I'm automatically considered high-risk again. I am due in April. Since we never planned to have any more children, we have nothing to speak of left. One of my first thoughts was, "we don't even have a burp cloth anymore!"

But, the knitting possibilities. Eee-ousa! I have already finished a pair of booties and found a sweater pattern I think will do for either sex (since we won't know for some time and then might not get to know). My hope is to finish some projects early on before my hands go numb from "carpal tunnel syndrome" as they did in the middle of the second trimester.

Given that I am nauseated and exhausted I am not sure how much blogging I will get to. The blog may become more of a baby update than a knitting blog so be prepared. I still check Ravelry nearly every day and you can always PM me there (name: jepkey). If you aren't on Ravelry go check it out at I think they still have a waiting list, but it isn't taking too long and there is a wealth of knitting info available plus a huge virtual knitting community.