Knitting Paragon

KNITTING: to make a fabric by looping yarn together with special needles. PARAGON: a model of perfection or excellence.

Monday, May 16, 2005

The new project

Okay, so I have several projects on needles...but I also have gads of yarn just yearning to be worked into something. I have begun the long process of knitting squares for an afghan. I won't say that each square will be different, but there will be several different ones to make it somewhat like a crazy quilt. This one is from yarn I've had in a stash for years and will be plum, purple, midnight blue and have a varigated of those colors. I plan to get some other contrasty color to work into it and probably do the edge with, etc., but not sure if it's going to be another purple or if I'll go with black, white or cream. This will be for our bed, but probably only during the winter and under the comforter.

I have dreamy ideas of making one each for the boys. Trains for Jarrad and tools for Ashton. Not sure when I'll ever get those started. But someday...we'll see how long it takes to complete this first one...especially with having to sew all those squares together.

I've put the felted clog slippers away for the summer. The pattern was my one (ever!) that wanted to be my nemisis. Seriously had trouble working with it, while others in my knitting group sailed through without a hitch! Even more novice knitters! How exasperating! This too shall pass. Who needs felted clog slippers in the middle of summer anyhow?!

Before I know it, it'll be time to begin serious projects like mittens and hats for those two cute boys in my house and a new fun scarf for me. Dad might need a new hat too, even though he just got one last year.


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